A chip (memory chip) is a combined circuit made out of millions of transistors and capacitors that can be used to process code or store data. Chips can accommodate memory either permanently through Read Only Memory (ROM), or temporary through Random Access Memory (RAM).

Read Only Memory comprises stored data that a processor can read, but cannot change. Chips come in different shapes and sizes. Some chips can be connected directly, while some may require special drives. Chips are important components in electronic and computer devices in which memory storages are essential.

Memory chips come in different types:

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) chips popularly regarded as volatile chips lose memory once the power supply is removed. DRAM is capable of transmitting a single line of memory and need to be regularly refreshed to prevent loss of memory bits.

Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) chips are non-volatile chips that are frequently used in mobile battery-powered devices. They are unlike DRAM. Hence, they do not need to be refreshed and do not lose memory immediately when power is disconnected from its source.

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) chips are chips whose memory can be erased by exposing them to ultraviolet rays. The chips can then be reused by programming new set of data on it.

First In, First Out (FIFO) memory chips are used when memory is been transferred from one device to another.

Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) chips are special chips. They differ from other memory chips since they can only be programmed once. It is impossible to erase the contents through ultraviolet rays or electronically.