Session Layer Quiz Session Layer Quiz Certiology’s free Session Layer quiz, practice test and exam are exactly what you need to test your Session Layer knowledge. What is the main function of Session layer in OSI model? Defines how data is formatted between the devices Made physical connection between server and client Both 1,2 None of the above Which of the following is the session layer protocol or service? SPDY NetBIOS PPTP SAP All of the above What is the number of the Session layer in OSI Model? 7th 6th 5th 4th In which layer of OSI client send request to the server? Application layer Presentation layer Session layer Transport layer In which layer of OSI session is first check and then data is transmitted Application layer Presentation layer Session layer Transport layer Is Telnet is a session layer protocol? Yes No Sometimes, Session layer is also called ______ layer Virtual layer Port layer Segmentation layer Process layer In OSI model, session layer is responsible for Recovery Check pointing Both 1,2 None of the above PPTP is _____layer protocol Session Application Transport Presentation To which level of layers does session layer provides its tools and specific protocols High Level layer Low level layer Both High and low level layer None Loading … Question 1 of 10