Python Programming Language Quiz 5 Python Programming Language Quiz 5 What is the output of print(math.copysign(9, -1))?11.0-9-9.0Which of the following is an invalid variable?1st_stringfoo_my_string_1What is the output of the following? print('{:$}'.format(9998887776))9,998,887,776999,888,777,69998887776errorWhat is module in Python?the folder of programthe way program is structuredbothnone of theseWhat is the output of the following? print('wxyz'.translate({'w': '1', 'x': '2', 'y': '3', 'z': '4'}))wxyz1234errornone of the mentionedThe basic I/O connections in file is/areStandard Errors Standard InputStandard OutputAll of the aboveThe position of file is changed from the start to an offset value, 2), 1), 0)none of the mentionedThe arguments received from the command line are stored insys.argvos.argvargvnone of the mentionedos.getlogin() returnsgets a form to login as a different username of the current user logged inname of the superuserall of the aboveWhich of the following belongs to immutable data type of Python?StringListsSetsDictionaries