Network Address Translation (NAT) Quiz Network Address Translation (NAT) Quiz Certiology’s free Network Address Translation (NAT) quiz, practice test and exam are exactly what you need to test your Network Address Translation (NAT) knowledge. Is there is a concept of NAT in IPv6? Yes No You saw that your router R7 is not working correctly with NAT, what will be your first action? Call Cisco Reboot Check the configuration All of the above Network Address Translation helps improve security by reusing IP addresses True False The ________ is considered to be the address after translation Inside global Outside global Inside local Outside local Which command in a router will show you translation active at the moment? Show ip nat Show ip nat translations Show ip statistics Show ip nat translations * With NAT, how many Public IP will be needed to allow computers to get access about 100. 100 10 1 0 What is a DNAT? Uses a group of available public IP Uses a group of all Private IP’s Both 1,2 None of the above How NAT works? Translating IP into MAC Translating Public IP into Private and vice versa Translating Hostname into IP None Two computers are directly using Public IP’s, did they still need NAT to communicate with each other? Yes No The _______ address is considered to be before translation Inside global Outside global Inside local Outside local Loading … Question 1 of 10