IP address Classes Quiz

IP address Classes Quiz

Certiology’s free IP address Classes quiz, practice test and exam are exactly what you need to test your IP address Classes knowledge. To which Class this IP belongs to?






The IP 123.213.321.1 belongs to Class A.




Which of the following is the IP of Class A? (Choose which applies)





Which of the following class of IP provides a maximum of only 254 host addresses per network ID?






Which of the following is the Incorrect IP address?





What range of addresses can be used in the first octet of a Class C address?





You have assigned on Host A and on Host B in a same LAN, can they communicate with each other?



There is _____ Classes of IP address version 4.






The private Class in Class is _____.





Which of the following is the private IP address?





The multicasting IP’s are from Class ____.






Which of the following is the private IP address?





Question 1 of 12