Data-Link Layer Quiz Data-Link Layer Quiz Certiology’s free Data-Link Layer quiz, practice test and exam are exactly what you need to test your Data-Link Layer knowledge. HDLC and SDLC operate at layer___. 1 2 3 4 Data transmitted in Data link layer is in Packets Frames Segments Electromagnetic signals The Data link layer is concerned with? Delivery of Packets Local delivery of frames between devices on the LAN segment Internal delivery of segments None of the above Media Access control (MAC) which is 48 bits work at ____ layer Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Virtual LAN is a service of ____layer Local layer Network Layer Transport Layer Data link layer What is error control in Data link layer of OSI model? Retransmission of erroneous packets Transmission of erroneous packets Controlled erroneous packet transmission with encryption None Is IS-IS a Data link layer protocol? Yes No In which layer of OSI do mechanisms include to detect and recover transmission error? Application layer Transport layer Physical layer Data link layer Which of the following are the services of Data link layer? Encapsulation of packets into frames Error control QoS control Flow control All of the above Which of the following is the Layer 2 protocol? IP IPX OSPF RIPv2 None of the above Loading … Question 1 of 10