CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) Quiz 3 CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) Quiz 3 Position related valuesStatic RelativeFixedAbsoluteAll of theseLatest version of CSSCSS3CSS2CSS1CSS4A property called………allows you to hide an element from viewVisibilityHideHiddenVisibleSelect how to Set font size 40px to the first letter of the paragraph ?p.first-letter{font-size:40px}p>fist-letter{font-size:40px}p:first-letter{font-size:40px}none of the aboveWhich of the following are the example of rules?@import@chareset@font-face!importantAll of theseCSS uses ……. For AnimationjavaScriptflashJ query Only CSS syntax@keyframes example {? {} ? {} }From toTo fromBefore afterAfter beforeCSS is used for designingHTML documentScript pages XML documentBoth A and CThe possible padding property dimensionsLeftRightTop, bottomAllPadding and margin property mostly use to define ……. Of page!StructureLayout Both A and BNone