Quiz 5 Quiz 5 In server code written with HTML code, at the time of execution server code:Remain inside HTML Moved from HTMLHide None of theseDifference Between Code-behind model and Single-File Page ModelNo differenceSeparate markup and business logicCompilation differenceDifferent language useIf view engine is failed to find view page retrned by any action method, what Exception does occurSystem.InvalidOperationExceptionSystem.Net.WebExceptionSystem.SystemExceptionSystem.overflowExceptionPublic ActionResult Register(){} must response only by….requestPOSTGETPUTAll of theseOutput caching lets you store the output of an action method in memory on the Web server, to avoid complexity cache profile should set in………fileWeb.configStartup.csBundleConfig.csGloabal.asaxShare Values or messages from one controller to ViewviewBag.message=”Hi”viewBag[“Hi”]viewBag.message[“Hi”]viewBag.message(”Hi”)Which one is not a valid filter attribute?[OutputCache][AllowAnonymous][Authorize]All [HttpPost] Public ActionResult Register(){} must be invoked only by…..requestPOSTGETPUTAll of theseWhich ActionResult type renders a complete web page?ViewResultPartialViewResultContentResult All of theseWhich ActionResult type renders a section of web page? Which ActionResult type renders a section of web page? A. ViewResult B. PartialViewResult C. ContentResult D. All of theseViewResultPartialViewResultContentResult All of these