CompTIA Storage+ Practice Exam 3 SGO-001 CompTIA Storage+ Practice Exam 3 SGO-001 Which is the use of trunking? a. High bandwidth creation b. Flow control c. In order delivery d. Timing service The difference/s between SAN and NAS solutions? a. SAN is generally more expensive but provides higher performance b. NAS uses TCP/IP for communication between hosts and the NAS server c. SAN uses proprietary protocols for communication between hosts and the SAN fabric d. All of the above We use graphics applications and require large throughputs for videos to get played. If there is any interruption we need our information to be quickly reconstructed. You have advised us to use a. Raid 0 b. Raid 10 c. Raid 15 d. Raid 01 Snapshot gives information on a. The latest data b. The old data c. The data present on the volume at specified time d. None are true What can be used for reducing recovery time? a. Automatic failover b. backup on a faster device c. taking multiple backups d. All the above What does SAN stands for? a. Sample Access Network b. Storage Access Network c. System Access Network d. Social Access Network Which needs downtime to add new hard disk capacity a. DAS b. SAN c. NAS d. None of the above ________ Is most space efficient? a. Full backup b. Incremental backup c. Differential backup d. Partial backup Why do RAID arrays give more data protection compared to a single disk? a. either mirroring or striping b. either mirroring or parity c. better quality disks d. dedicated hardware RAID 5 is a. Distributed parity b. No Parity c. Triple Parity disk d. Double Parity Loading … Question 1 of 10