CompTIA Storage+ Practice Exam 2 SGO-001 CompTIA Storage+ Practice Exam 2 SGO-001 RAID 6 is a. No Parity b. Striping c. Two independent distributed parity d. Mirroring What data protection feature of the SAN needs to be used to make sure that test volumes are not presented to the respective cluster partners? a. Zoning b. LUN c. Virtual SAN d. LUN masking In SAN storage model, the OS views storage resources as —— devices a. FC b. SCSI c. SAN d. None of the above All are false except a. Data can be recovered quicker in online backup b. Tape library is a near line storage c. Data recovery can take hours for offline backup d. All the above What represents the presence of optional header? a. Flow control b. Data field control c. Frame control d. CRC Which is not true? a. The more important the data, the greater the need for backing it up b. A backup is as useful as its associated restore strategy c. Keeping the backup copy with the original is best strategy d. Automated backup is preferred Which is false for D2D2T? a. Backup and Restore is faster b. Tape is used for archiving and/or long term storage c. Cheaper disks are generally used for backup device d. None of the above Demerits of DAS are. a. Interconnect limited to 10km b. Excessive network traffic c. Distance limitations d. ALL of the above Input/Output requests to disk storage on a SAN are called a. File I/Os b. SAN I/Os c. Block I/Os d. Disk I/Os The CDP is mainly based on a. XCOPY command b. Data mirroring c. Snapshot mechanism d. Static data Loading … Question 1 of 10