CompTIA Linux+ Practice Exam 3 LX0-101 CompTIA Linux+ Practice Exam 3 LX0-101 What does “cname” do? a. Name caching-only severs b. Name critical files c. Name alias for host with address record d. Defines reversed zone By GNU standards an app will install by default to a. /usr/local b. /user/local c. /usr/lcl d. /user/lcl The quickest way to erase all data in an ext2 filesystem at /mnt is a. Mkfs-text2/mnt b. Mfsk-text2/mnt c. Mkfs-text2/mnt d. Mfsk-text2/mnt ________________ is a mail filtering utility and is used for pre-processing and sorting incoming mail. a. Premail b. Procmail c. Domain filter d. Ftr utl Why should you not combine the floppy drive and the CD-ROM drive into the same file? a. The system will not allow you to do it b. The computer will crash c. There no reason not to d. If one stops working the other one will as well “iwlist” can a. List internet websites frequently visited b. List LAN connections c. Scan for available wireless networks d. Do nothing. Command is invalid What is the major difference between route-e and netstat-r? a. Output is different b. Netstat-r requires elevated privileges c. Route-e requires elevated privileges d. None of the above there is no difference In which file is samba configured? a. /etc/samba/smbd.conf b. /usr/samba/ c. /etc/samba/ d. /etc/samba/smbd.cofi Which is true? a. The inode contains no information on the file b. The inode doesn’t contain the name c. The inode is not a part of the UNIX filesystem d. All are false To route networking traffic outside the local network use a. Route gateway b. BIOS c. OS setup d. Default gateway Loading … Question 1 of 10