VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol)
VTP is VLAN Trunking Protocol. VTP is used to trunk the VLAN in the Server Switch. Assume there is a main switch, Norman_Switch, in Norman Company. It has 24 ports, and 20 ports are assigned to respective VLANs . Norman has recruited new employees as follows:
New Developers: 5
New Marketing People: 4
New Accountants : 4
In total, Norman recruited 13 employees. Now they must be assigned to their respective departments. But Norman_Switch has only 4 ports left in switch, and the requirement of ports is 13. So, Norman had to purchase another 24 port switch. The empty ports will be used in the future. We have to configure the VLANs in the new Switch again, but now, by VTP protocol, the VLAN will be copied to New Switch. Let’s carry out the practical.
Connecting the New Switch To Norman_Switch At the Port F0/24
As shown below
Making the Trunk Port on F0/24 port on both the switches
Norman_Switch(Config)# interface f0/24
Norman_Switch# show vtp status
Norman_Switch(Config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Norman_Switch# configure terminal
Norman_Switch(Config)# vtp domain Norman_Company
Norman_Switch(config)# do show vtp status
As shown in the above image, Domain Name is changed to Norman_Company from Null.
Configuring new Switch
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(Config)# hostname Norman_Switch2
Norman_Switch2(Config)# interface f0/24
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# exit
Norman_Switch2(Config)# exit
Norman_Switch2# show vtp status
By default it is in SERVER operating mode making it to Client Mode
Norman_Switch2# configure terminal
Norman_Switch2(Config)# vtp mode client
Norman_Switch2(Config)# vtp domain Norman_Company
Norman_Switch2(Config)# do show vtp status
Norman_Switch2(Config)# do show vlan
As you can see, the VLAN is now copied to the New Switch, “Norman_Switch2”. Now we must assign the ports to respective VLAN’s.
For New Developers: F0/1- F0/5
For New Marketing Persons:F0/6-F0/10
For New Accountant: F0/11-F0/15
Norman_Switch2(Config)# interface range f0/1-5
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport mode access
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# exit
Norman_Switch2(Config)# interface range f0/6-10
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport mode access
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport access vlan 20
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# exit
Norman_Switch2(Config)# interface range f0/11-15
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport mode access
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# switchport access vlan 30
Norman_Switch2(Config-if)# exit
Norman_Switch2(Config)# do show vlan
As shown in the above image, the new employees are assigned to respective VLAN’s.