CCNA Exam Questions CCNA Practice Tests 4, 100-101 ICND1 and 200-101 ICND2 Can a router be ABR, ASBR at the same time? Yes No Does Cisco’s 2950s switch support private VLAN? Yes No By Default In switches, Revision number is: 1024 0 1 10 How many type of metrics are in EIGRP? 0 5 3 7 What is the name of the 6th state of OSPF? EXSTART FULL LOADING 2-Way Every router have different neighbour table” Is this statement true or false? False True Static Networks are commonly used in Large Network Mid-sized network Small Network If Switch1 have revision number 10 and switch2 have revision number 5. Which VLAN database will propagate to which switch? Switch1 Vlans to Switch2 Switch2 Vlans to Switch 1 In a cisco’s switch If we change from server to client, Does the revision number will be change? Yes No EIGRP is: Distance vector Link state Hybrid Loading … Question 1 of 10 More Tests CCNA Practice Test CCENT Practice Test CCNP Practice Test