CCENT ICND1 Practice Test 2 CCENT ICND1 Practice Test 2 The command used to manually encrypt passwords is __________________ a) md5 hash password b) crypto key password c) Password encrypt d) Service password –encryption OSPF uses a data packet called _____________________ which contains link-state and routing information to be shared to other OSPF routers. a) LSP (Link State Packet) b) LSR (Link State Route) c) LSA (Link State Advertisement) d) LSA (Link state Acknowledgement) Routing takes place at ______________ Layer of the OSI Model a) Transport b) Network c) Data Link d) Application Which of the below is a feature of TCP protocol? (Choose 2) a) Reliable b) Connectionless c) Windowing for flow control d) UnSequenced Which form of communication is exactly like real conversation where devices can receive and transmit at the same time? a) Simplex b) Half duplex c) Full Duplex d) None A non-proprietary protocol used for discovery of neighbor devices and works in multi-vendor networks created by IEEE is ________________________ a) CDP b) PPP c) RIP d) LLDP Data encryption, compression and translation services are functions of which layer? a) Application b) Presentation c) Session d) Transport The MAC address that is the hardware address burned on the Network Interface Card (NIC) is of length___________ a) 64 bits ( 8 bytes) b) 80 bits (10 bytes) c) 48 bits (6 bytes) d) 32 bits (4 bytes) We get the below output after issuing the ___________ command Switch# Vlan Mac Address Type Ports —- ———– ——– —– 1 0006.dccb.d75b DYNAMIC Fa0/1 1 000a.f487.9e60 DYNAMIC Fa0/2 1 000a.f457.9c8b DYNAMIC Fa1/4 a) show mac address-table b) show vlans c) show ip interface brief d) show mac Cisco recommends 4 steps for troubleshooting (diagnostics steps), which of the below are among those steps? a) Ping the NIC b) Ping the loopback IP address c) Ping the default gateway d) Ping the DHCP server Loading … Question 1 of 10 More Tests CCNA Practice Test CCENT Practice Test CCNP Practice Test