Networking Fundamentals MTA EXAM 98-366 Exam 3 Networking Fundamentals MTA EXAM 98-366 Exam 3 Which if the below is a valoid MAC for broadcast? FFFF FFFF FFFF EEEE EEEE EEEE ABAB ABAB ABAB ABCD ABCD ABCD The subnet mask can be written in slash notation as _______________ /30 /26 /28 /24 In IP address v4 the 1st octet in the range of 224-239 indicates which Class IP address? A C E D Which if the below are loopback addresses. Choose all that apply. Which of the below command will help remove IP address from CLI? ipconfig removeIP netdom netsh Which of the below is a valid Private IP address in the B class? Choose all that Apply 172.33.20. 20 172. 16.20.20 To install IPv6 on your windows computer you need to _____________ LAN connection Properties-> Check IPv6 using CLI : enable ipv6 From Web Browser Properties using CLI: ipv6 enable The ______________ command in Windows CLI will remove the IP address learnt from DHCP. ipconfig /renew ipconfig / release netstat / release ping -a An IPv6 address is __________ in length 32 bit 64 byte 128 bts 128 bytes The three main types of IPv6 addresses are _________________ Unicast Anycast Multicast Broadcast Loading … Question 1 of 10 More Tests MCSA Windows 7 Practice Test Code 70-680 MTA Practice Test MCSE Practice Test MCSA Windows 8 Practice Test MCSA Windows Server 2008 Practice Test