CompTIA Server+ Practice Exam 1 SK0-003 CompTIA Server+ Practice Exam 1 SK0-003 You get an error while writing files to the / partition and the PC fails to boot. The software needed to fix it is A. UNIX installation CD B. Chrome CD C. OS installation CD D. Windows installation CD Which RAID protects against 2 drive simultaneous failure A. RAID 0 B. RAID 1+0 C. RAID 5 D. RAID 2 To determine which FRU is going bad, you need to A. Check the NOS error codes B. Replace the parts until you find it C. Check the POST card error codes D. Check the motherboard error codes To calculate is best UPS size and type use A. Volts x Amps B. Ohms x Amps C. Amps / Volts D. Volts / Amps You’re testing WOL cards that were just installed but it is not working. Which packet do you suspect 1st to be the source of the problem? A. TCP B. SNMP C. IEEE D. Magic When is the SNMP utility loaded? A. When the administrator runs the monitoring program. B. Before the NOS is loaded. C. After the NOS is loaded. D. It is the last program loaded. Which tape format makes best use of the storage of a DAT drive? A. QIC B. DDRS C. DSS D. DDS An advantage of a 2-node cluster is A. Single points of failure are removed. B. single-point failures are increased. C. information can be downloaded 2x as fast. D. Virus attacks are almost non-existent. When configuring a redundant server system, the redundant parts should be tested by A. No testing required B. Simulating an error on the original server. C. Test them on a test bench. D. Test them with another system. USB and FireWire have been branded a security risk in the server industry because A. they are easy to hack B. they are slow C. they have no security features built into them D. of hot-swapping capabilities Loading … Question 1 of 10