CompTIA A+ Practice Exam 1 CompTIA A+ Practice Exam 1 220-801 The harddisk speed is measured in RPMs, it stands for ________ a) Revolution per Module b) Revolution per Machine c) Revolutions per Minute d) Records per Module Which of the below contents are found on the motherboard? a) Chipsets b) Memory slots c) CMOS Battery d) Jumpers e) All of the above The harddrive contains which of the below components? a) Platters b) Sectors c) Tracks d) Cylinders e) All of the above ____________________ is a system check done by the BIOS when the system boots up. a) POST: Power on Self Test b) CMOS c) PCI d) MBR BIOS stands for ____________________ a) Built-In Operating System b) Basic Input Output System c) Basic Input Operating System d) Built-In Output System Which of the below command will give results for System Hardware software resources? a) Ifconfig.exe b) Tracert.exe c) Ping.exe d) Msinfo32.exe Which of the below is not a type of expansion slot on the motherboard? a) COM b) PCI c) CNR d) AGP RAID is used to combine the storage of multiple hard disks for enhanced performance and fault management. RAID stands for ____________________ a) Redundant Array of Isolated Disks b) Redundant Array of Independent Disk c) Rapid Array of Independent Disk d) Rapid Array of Isolated Disk Which of the below PC setting are stored on the CMOS? a) Boot sequence b) Date and time c) Overclocking (CPU Setting) d) IP address The full form of USB is _________________________ a) Unique Serial Bus b) Universal Service Bus c) Usual Serial Broadcast d) Universal Serial Bus Loading … Question 1 of 10 More Tests A+ Practice Test A+ 220-901 and 220-902 Practice Test Network+ Practice Test Security+ Practice Test