How Can I Schedule Automatic Posts on Facebook Page

Scheduling Posts on a Facebook Page

When you run a Facebook page, it can be hard to update it frequently. Luckily, there is a function where you can schedule posts. You can set up a long string of posts that have been written on the same day and schedule them to post at different times. Make it look like you’re on the ball with updating your page and choose when your posts appear to the public.

1. Start by going to your Facebook page. Usually a link to it can be found in the ‘favorites’ section on the left hand sidebar.

news feed

2. After being directed to the page, you will see a row of tabs at the top left corner. One of them is titled ‘publishing tools’, which is on the far right.

publishing tools

3. On this new page, there is a column of tabs on the left hand side. The second option from the top is called ‘scheduled posts.’ Click on that tab and then look to the right to see what options are in this section.

scheduled posts

4. At the top right corner of this section will be a blue button that says ‘create.’ Click on it and a new window will show up.


5. In this window, there will be a text box. That is where you will write out what you want to say in your post. Once you’re done, press ‘schedule.’


6. Another window pops up and then you must decide the date and what time it will be posted. After that, press ‘schedule’ again.

scheduled set

Your scheduled post will then show up on your list within the scheduling section. You will be able to see when it’s scheduled to post. To edit the posts before it’s released, simply click on it.

seen scheduled

You can schedule as many posts as you want. This is your page after all. Keep your page updated and edit the posts as many times as you’d like before it’s released.

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