How to share music on twitter

Sharing Music on Twitter

Twitter can connect to a variety of different websites and post directly to your newsfeed if you allow it. You can share just about anything on Twitter, even what song you’re currently listening to. There are a variety of websites to choose from to display your music on Twitter.

 It all starts with a simply web search. Let people know what you’re up to and get them excited right along with you. Isn’t that what social media is all about?

1) Go to your search engine and type in something like ‘how to share music on Twitter.’ Usually the first result that comes up is the best result to start with, so click on it.

how to share music on twitter

2) When you find a site that looks promising, you may have to type in your e-mail first. Some sites may ask you to create an account.


3) Now, if you want to share a song that you like, usually there is a button on the top right corner of the screen that either says Twitter or shows the Twitter icon.


4) When you create a tweet for it, there is usually a link provided for people to click on that will take them to the place to listen to the song. You can also add a personal message to the tweet and encourage people to check it out.

5) As soon as it’s published, it will show up on your Twitter newsfeed and timeline. You and your followers will be able to click on it and enjoy the music.

Sharing media is the greatest way to connect with people on social media accounts. It lets people know what you’re interested in and shows them who you are. You might even make a new friend as your bond for the same interests grows. It also puts more excitement in your Twitter experience.

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