PHP Programming Quiz 4 PHP Programming Quiz 4 A method defined as ………. can neither be overloaded nor overrided.privatestaticfinalprotected………. Function sorts an array descending order.reverse()desc()rsort()dsort()Constructors defined in PHP have same name as class name.truefalse The mascot of PHP is ……….tigerelephanteaglecoffeeThe default time for a session to make it valid is ………. seconds.1200140014401600POSIX stands for……….Partial Operating System Information eXchangePortable Operating System Interface for LinuxPartial Operating System Interface for UnixPortable Operating System Interface for UnixConstructor of a class can call another method of the same class.truefalseIn the following function definition, 50 is the ………. <?php function functionName($par = 50) { echo "$par"; } ?>initial value of $parfinal value of $pardefault value of $parconst value of $parAn array can be initialized in PHP as ……….$arrayName = array("Value1", " Value2", " Value3");$arrayName[] = array("Value1", " Value2", " Value3");$arrayName[3] = array("Value1", " Value2", " Value3");$arrayName = new array("Value1", " Value2", " Value3");In associative arrays, indexes are replaced with ……….named keysprimary keysalphabets (a,b,c,…)special characters